Morris BOYD William Edward GRAHAM Mini tree diagram

Lillian BOYD

Life History

20th May 1950

Married William Edward GRAHAM in Alton, Madison, Illinois, USA.4,5

From: Alton Evening Telegraph, Friday, May 12, 1950; Page 12, Column2:
Miss Lillian Boyd Honored
Miss Lillian Boyd, whose marriage to William Graham will take placeMay 20, was honored at a party given Tuesday might by Mrs. StanleyKetchum and Mrs. Gene Siglock, at the home of Mrs. Siglock on theGodfrey road. Party colors were in pink, white and blue, and streamersdirected Miss Boyd to various parts of the house where the bride-to-befound gifts for her new home.
Bunco was played, and the hostesses served refreshments. The MissesNancy Thompson and Sally Blackard were awarded prizes. Twenty guestswere in attendance.
From: Alton Evening Telegraph, Saturday, May 20, 1950; Page 6, Column1:
Graham-Boyd Wedding
This Afternoon
William Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vane Graham of 2401 Birch street,and Miss Lillian Boyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Boyd, 2909Werges street, were married in the rectory of St. Matthew’s Churchthis afternoon at 2 o’clock. The double ring ceremony was used by theofficiating clergyman, the Rev. William Croke, and Roy Ursch and Mrs.John Morris, sister of the bride, were attendants.
Miss Boyd wore a street dress of pink chiffon, white hat andaccessories, and a corsage of yellow rosebuds. Her matron of honorappeared in yellow and her flowers were white roses.
A reception at the Boyd home followed the wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham will reside at 421 Jefferson avenue. Mr. Graham isan employe of the T. J. Fleming Plumbing and Heating Company.

21st Feb 1976

Death of William Edward GRAHAM in Alton, Madison, Illinois, USA.1,2,3


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